What is it about?
Local studies and general knowledge in primary school are diverse. The topics change at a rapid pace, there is hardly any time to get used to it and performance assessments are already being written. It is completely natural for children to feel overwhelmed and to fear written performance assessments. The aim of these exercise books for elementary school is to take away your child's fear of performance assessments early enough and to make learning fun.
These samples were compiled and made available by primary school teachers who are also involved in tutoring. So the samples have actually been tried and tested, they have already been used several times in practice. The material has been prepared in a child-friendly manner, drawings and illustrations loosen up the individual exercises, so that children usually have a lot of fun with what they do and see the tasks more as playful puzzles. By the way, they acquire specialist knowledge while solving the tasks. Playful learning and a healthy dose of curiosity are exactly the skills your child needs for a successful transition. And if you are very specific, at the end of this exercise book you will of course find both the solutions and the clef that was actually used in the second year of school.

The first b/w edition of the books:
If you want to have a look at how they transformed into a colored version, have a look at the publishers shop, where they provide a litte sneak peak: linked here.
Or click on the image below, to hop to each preview directly.